大主教管區學費。 該費用水平由悉尼大主教管區天主教學校委員會每年設定。學校保留該費用的一部分以協助運營成本。餘額將退還給悉尼天主教學校,以協助支付工資、工人賠償、公共責任、學生意外保險和其他運營費用。
總教區建築稅。 徵稅收入用於償還學校建築、維修和保養以及建築保險的貸款。
當地費用和收費。 這些費用由學校財務委員會設定,用於支付學校資源、教育活動、科目材料和其他運營成本,如電費、水費、市政費以及計算機和技術費。
以下大主教管區學費適用於 2020 年。 2021 年將略有增加。
以下大主教管區建築稅適用於 2020 年:
Archdiocesan Building Levy 向每個家庭收費,而不是向每個學生收費。任何在多於一所繫統性天主教學校有孩子的家庭只需要繳納 628.00 美元的總稅費。也就是說,如果一個家庭有兩個孩子(例如,一個孩子在上中學,一個孩子在上小學),那麼最大的孩子將被收取 628.00 美元的費用。在這種情況下,建築稅不適用於小學的孩子,因為它只對最年長的孩子收費。
以下當地費用和收費適用於 2020 年:
家長在為孩子註冊時可以選擇指定他們的首選付款期限。也就是說,按期限、按月或按兩週支付。所有費用和收費的帳目在第 1、2 和 3 條款中的每個條款中都提前開具。
賬戶可以通過現金、支票、匯票、信用卡(非 AMEX / Diners Club)BPay 或 CentrePay 支付
錄取時需繳納 100 美元的註冊費。該費用是不可退還的費用,可確保為學生在學院保留一個位置。
The following Archdiocesan Building Levy apply in 2024:
The Archdiocesan Building Levy is billed to each family, not to each student. Any family that has a child / children in more than one systemic Catholic School will only be charged a total levy of the amount below. That is, if a family has two children, (eg. one child attending a secondary school and one child attending a primary school), then the eldest child will be billed the amount below. The Building Levy will not be applicable for the child in the primary school in this case as it is charged for the eldest only.
The following Local Fees and Charges apply in 2024:
Payment Terms and Conditions:
Parents have the option when enrolling their child to nominate their preferred payment period. That is, to pay by Term, by Month or by Fortnight. Accounts for all fees and charges are issued early in each of Terms 1, 2 and 3.
It is expected that accounts will be paid by the due date shown on the statement.
Accounts can be paid by Cash, Credit Card (Visa only), EFTPOS, BPay, Centrepay or Compass Pay
If any family is experiencing genuine financial difficulty in meeting any of the fees please contact the school to seek an appointment with the Business Manager
Fee Assistance
We endeavour to offer an affordable Catholic education of the highest quality and there is a deeply held philosophical commitment at all levels (our archdiocese, system, parish and school) that no Catholic family should be denied a Catholic education due to a genuine incapacity to pay all, or part of, their children’s school fees.
Parents who need support to meet the cost of educating their child may be eligible for a bursary from the Catholic Education Foundation. Support is provided via three bursary categories; Financial Hardship Bursary, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Bursary and Refugee Bursary.